• © 2021-2025 Lake Vineyard Camps, Inc. 0


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The following parish youth groups and Catholic schools are attending CYC 2025 this summer:
Central Catholic - Toledo
Christ the King - Toledo
Little Flower - Toledo
Lumen Christi - Jackson
Notre Dame - Toledo
Our Lady of Lourdes - Toledo
St. Francis de Sales - Toledo
St. Joseph - Maumee
SMCC/OLMC/St Joes-Erie, Monroe
Ss Patrick/Anthony - Grand Haven
St. Rita - Clarklake
St. Ursula - Toledo
Youth Groups - Jackson
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TO REGISTER YOUR CHILD: If your parish or school is listed above, complete the appropriate forms below and give them to your youth or campus minister. Make check payable to your parish or school. Please do not mail the forms to Camp DeSales.


Parents, please complete the first two forms below and then the other three as needed.


Youth ministers, campus ministers, and chaperones, please use the first form below to reserve spots for your teens and the second form to submit your own registration and medical information.
Catholic Youth Camp begins on the first day with registration between 2-3 PM. We conclude on the last day with an outdoor Mass at 11 AM for all campers and families, followed by a picnic. Camp DeSales will provide brats, lemonade and potato chips. Feel free to bring other drinks, a side dish and/or desserts to share.

Please join us in prayer for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the campers, missionaries and programs this summer. Thank you!