DeSales Retreat Center
FOR YOUR NEXT RETREATThe camp facilities are often available during the academic year for retreats. Priority is given to parish and high school youth groups, especially those who attended CYC. We hope Camp will become a spiritual home and resource for many Catholic youth groups in and around the Diocese of Toledo.
MEALSGuests can prepare their own meals in the snack kitchen at no extra cost or order meals from DSC. Some groups combine cooking with a few carry-out meals from the local restaurants. Please note: the main kitchen at Lawrence Lodge, as well as the Lodge's dish room, are not available to groups preparing their own meals.
CHAPEL RESERVATIONSLawrence Lodge, Vineyard and Blue Cabins, and Welch Cottage rentals include use of the chapel. Reserving the chapel for communal prayer is done by emailing
Fr. Ken. When not used by a group, the chapel is available to all guests for quiet prayer.
LINENSLawrence Lodge and Welch Cottage provide blankets and pillows. Sheets and/or towels are available for rent or bring your own. The Vineyard and Blue Cabins only have camp mattresses so please bring your own pillow, blankets, and linens or sleeping bag. Housekeeping (final clean-up) is available for an additional fee.
AVAILABILITYPlease check the Google calendar below to find out which buildings are available. Building descriptions, rates and capacities follow. Feel free to
contact us for a tour.